About DeAnna

My name is DeAnna Castleberry, CMT, CLT, PTA, CST-T and I have been practicing since 1996.

Have you ever experienced a loss that shattered the very foundation of your existence? And after that shattering all you wanted to do was curl into a ball pull the covers over your head and sleep forever?

Maybe you imagined being in a deep dark hole that felt so safe where no one and nothing could hurt you… ever?  Including your own emotions?

Have you ever experienced pain in your body after an accident or injury that just doesn’t seem to go away? No matter what you do, the pain in your neck, the numbness in your toe keeps returning?

It was the loss of my father, my mother, a divorce, financial uncertainty, and multiple auto accidents that led me into CranioSacral Therapy. My physical pain from my accidents, and my emotional pain from my divorce catalyzed my self-exploration.

CranioSacral Therapy helped me to get in touch with a deeper part of myself not yet known to me
The concept of the Inner Physician, Inner Wisdom, Inner Knowing, Godself, Buddha Nature, whatever you want to call it, that place from within that seems to know more than I do, that place from within that speaks to the intelligence in my body and mind through my emotions and focused awareness by dropping into this incredible global stillness is profound.Transitioning from a heightened sense of pain and/or stress to relaxation and ease is the gift of an outcome this work offers.

Through the years, I have expanded my training into other modalities such as Zero Balancing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage/ Complete Decongestive Therapy, Reflexology, Shamanism, Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine, Heart Centered Therapy, Theta Healing and Reiki.

However, CranioSacral Therapy remains the foundation of my work. Over the years I’ve integrated all the modalities into my own unique approach with CranioSacral Therapy as a basis and bringing in other modalities depending on each clients needs in the moment.

Nicolle Johnson

In addition to managing and facilitating at Dynamic Journeys, Nicolle does Transpersonal Life Coaching focusing on communication, personal accountability, personal empowerment, and helping clients to write their own “Owner’s Manual”.

Drawing on her diverse background and your diverse background, she implements varied ways to improve communication in relationships, to make changes you want to your life, to identify and heal patterns no longer serving you, create action plans to achieve goals, to explore knowing yourself at a deeper level to access your whole self to have more of you available to live the life you want, and more.

CranioSacral Therapy 10 Step Protocol Practitioners
DeAnna has invited Tara Stice, Terrye Witte, and Janese Cederborg to be a part of the Dynamic Journeys Team to expand her vision of a larger CranioSacral Community. They support our clients by giving them access to experience different practitioners and access to the 10 Step Protocol on a regular basis. In addition to CST, Tara and Janese are also offering massage. To learn more about our practitioners, please visit www.upledger.com (look for the "Find a Therapis"t button) to read more about their experience.


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Dynamic Journeys

(916) 838-2570 | dynamicsacramento@gmail.com
3112 O Street Suite #15, Sacramento, CA 95816

© 2022 Dynamic Journeys